the ability to turn into justin bieber, but they can only say i like you very much

The power to ejaculate at command

The power of X-ray Viion, that gives you Eye Cancer from the radiation

The ability to make cardboard taste slightly less like cardboard.

The power to chew ass and kick bubblegum, but be all out of ass!

The power to dance excellently each time there is music... either you want to or not.

To fly.. into the zone.."Friend zone"

The power to rain fireballs down upon those you love.

the power of having super fast growing body hair. It grows a half inch a day.

The power to read the future in a language you will never learn to understand. Moral: I read that "thy comment expects a billion red thumbs"... WTF does that mean?

The power to never finish your sentences because

The power to obey gravity

The power to read minds but only when you're alone

The ability to be in fashion.

The power to walk 1% faster.

The power to smell inside of your own butt.

The power to drink and drive without being caught

The ability to know any language but only after learning it.

the power to find children extremely attractive

The ability to sling web like Spiderman except you can only shoot webs from your butt hole.

The power of exploding when you think.

The power to create a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that creates a power that does nothing.

The power to see through clothes of only ugly people

The power to sh!t using your mind.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!