The power of speaking every laguage on earth, but to know only one word in your entire life.

to power to pick your nose without anybody seeing

To grow your fingernails out and in very quickly.

the ability to teleport far away from here but still be stuck

The power to become severely depressed and suicidal whenever you feel the slight sensation of happiness.

the power to not have super powers...

the power to yell a math problem at will

The power to cook 3 minute noodles in under 1 minute.

The ability to sit on air, provided you are in space.

The power to fly upwards but not downwards

he power to absorb every 6th bullet shot at you

The power to control people minds, but in the world only remains a few blonds and you.

The power to defeat Chuck Norris but only if you can reach the speed of light

The power to be and do whatever you want except living forever, only when you are dead

The ability to look at someone and know the exact number of times they have farted in the past year.

The power to be half invisible

The ability to teleport to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The ability to "Right Click" Properties

The power to read the terms of service.

The power to turn on a hot flash, but only when it's 80 degrees out.

The power to fly downwards but only go down when there is a hole

The power to have a photogenic memory (You look really good in every memory of yourself)

Being alive (until you die).

The power to have incredible upper-body strength, but not have arms or legs.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!