The power to grow bigger, but never smaller.

the power to keep your fingertips wet at all times, so you can flip pages.

The power to be great at math but forget how to breathe.

The power to touch MC Hammer.

The power to believe Jehova's witnesses.

The power to turn a light on with your mind, but only if the light is already on

The power to have a great singing voice, but only in the shower,

Can transform into a no-armed man at the click of his fingers..

the power to freeze time by 10 secs but in the process freeze yourself too.

To have the power of hindsight, which will allow you to see what you should have done previously or what other people should have done

The power to enlarge your penis to any size, but only you can see it.

The power to shrink smaller than oxygen molecules.

The power to walk after gettin kicked in the nuts

The power to nail anyone you want (legally) but no one remembers, including you

The ability to summon CHUCK NORRIS, but only while naked.

The power to never have fun...never.

The power to fly whenever you get a stroke. (The power goes away as soon as the stroke ends, so make sure to get all your flying deeds done while you still have a stroke)

Hearing so good a raindrop will deafen you

Ability to emit a low-level light, but only when standing near a candle.

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The ability to fall into 1cm cubed pieces when startled. No ability to pull yourself together, or move while in cubes. Parts must be reassembled correctly to re-connect.

The power to have explosive diarrhea after eating Chipotle

The power to turn Justin Bieber into a Man.

the power to write about pointless super powers in universes that nothing exists.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!