The power to see through objects, thus not seeing anything.

The power the ability to read minds but only on February the 30th 1783.

the power to to deep fry anything deep fried

The power to fly, but only when you are less than a foot off the ground.

The power to fly but only in an airplane.

The power to sit on a couch whenever your mother tells you that you can.

The power to see air

The power to shoot liqiud gold ever 3-6 years only when you come across jesus.

The power to fly but only when touching the ground

The power to build Lego with incredible speed, but then knock it down immediately.

The power in which whatever you touch into a meme or prank.

The power to drink lethal poison without getting ill. But still dying from it.

De poverr too tipe relly shiiti annd stil bee undrstod bai rettadad peepols unly.

the power to do nothing

The power to say WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN - but only at peoples funerals or when taking a piss (but you uncontrolably flail your arms).

The power to wish you had a power

Power to give birth through your penis.

The power to cheat on your wife with your wife only if shes on her period

The power to run half as fast as whoever is chasing you.

The power to release the bogus

the power to sit

The ability to avoid work when connected to the internet. Thanks, by the way.

the ability to walk barefooted on top of legos without pain but only as long as you don't know they're legos

The power to kill yourself just by thinking about something.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!