The power to turn delicious and tasteful food into useless brown mush.

The ability to sling web like Spiderman except you can only shoot webs from your butt hole.

the power to make sillet bang remove stains from shirts

The power to be invisible, but only when no one's looking.

The power of night-blindness.

The power to grow bigger, but never smaller.

The power to speak using their mouth

The amazing ability to shart at your own will.

The power to believe Jehova's witnesses.

The power to have a great singing voice, but only in the shower,

The power to turn a light on with your mind, but only if the light is already on

The ability to instantly make all your clothes vanish but only when you're in a job interview

the power of losing and getting in 2nd place or 3th. the power of clearing your mind only for it to stay blank. the power of riding a horse really well aslong as you think it is a cow. the power of breathing AIR. the power of bellyflopping cement. the power of reading ancient arameîc. the power of speaking perfect gibberish.

The power to enlarge your penis to any size, but only you can see it.

To change your eye colour when ever you want

The power to start a zombie apocalypse

A power to turn into an ant, but only one Time.

The power to hear people's thoughts when you fap

The ability to DO A BARREL ROLL

The power to be a human

The power to hurt the people you love

The power to fly whenever you get a stroke. (The power goes away as soon as the stroke ends, so make sure to get all your flying deeds done while you still have a stroke)

The power to spontaneous combust on the third Wednesday of October.

the power to get F's on assignments without trying

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!