The ability to forget how to breathe automatically.

The power to invent things that have already been invented.

75% levitation

The power to have anything you want that is free.

The ability to visually contract STD's

The power to grow plants, only using your mind

The power to be away from the Internet without getting bored.

Supreme pre-mature ejaculation.

The Power to lost your Dankness every time you Breath.

The power to change your hair's color to white when you're old.

the power to make a vagina taste like pizza

The power to swallow instead of spit

The power to produce a hand vacuum from your belly button that only sucks up lint for your belly button

the power to shit yourself when kissing someone.

The power to break a Nokia

to be able to eat candybars and spit out diabetes

The power to teleport to Northern Siberia with only a speedo on.

The power to poop almost instantly, but you always have the runs.

The power to fart out of your hands.

The power to pull any woman that just asked you for a shag.

The ability to draw a perfect circle.

the power to jump like a black guy.

The power to sleep for one thousand years

The Power to fart glitter

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!