The power to grow nipples all over your body at will

The ability to become visible at will.

The power to find the end of the sticky tape

The ability to fly 1/2 mm above ground, and only on dry land... no water walking

The power to clone yourself, except all your clones become Catholic priests. Moral: "Mommy! It was HE who touched me!"

The power to complete a 100m race in exactly 100 seconds.

The power to create skype chats with 50 people and subsequently annoy all of them with 200+ messages per second. unfortunately neither you nor anybody can block, silence or leave the chat

The power to make your girlfriend orgasm only when you are having sex with another man.

The power to run people over with a tractor.

The power to make somebody fall in love with anybody who isn't you.

The power to die at will.

the power to turn everything you touch into gold......deja vu?

The power to turn into any cat which is about to give birth.

The power to turn random things that you touch into water, like in a schick hydro commercial

The power to read minds, but only your own.

the power to be Justin bieber

The power to be afraid of movies that are not scary

The power to sexually attract whales

the power to fly in space

To be able to catch a speeding bullet with your head.

The power look completely butiful but Only in complete darkness

The power to give onesself a heart attack just by thinking about it.

The super power to do something pointless when you can be doing something pointless

The power to never sleep and instead go outside and think about your life.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!