the power get massive erections but you are only aroused buy new born babies or near death old men and women.

???q? ?o?? sp??oq??? ?nq ????u o? ??!l!q? ???

The power to draw a perfect circle.

The power to take any object you are holding and swap it with anything within thirty feet

the power to turn into amy rose

The power to resurrect Hitler at will, will only work if you are Jewish.

The power to get up early for school, only on the weekends

The power to smell a fart before someone lets it out.

The power to have really sweaty palms.

The ability to not live forever

The Power to die at will

The power to become invincible when you're dead

the ability to kill yourself... twice

The power to always have the worst thing possible happen

The power to do something while you can play games.

the power to shout and make people piss their pants

the power to forget all you learned when taking the final. just so u could remember it later...

The power to transform money into a foreign currency of lesser value.

The power to have anything you want that is free.

The power to compare anything to pr0n because "you know it when you see it."

The power to turn cheese into potatoes.

You can read the minds of rocks.

The power to balance the light switch in the middle but only on the 4th try.

the power to fly but only if your feet are touching the ground

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!