The power to read all the other pointless superpowers

The power to control facial hair of women.

The power to autocorrect your mom.

The power to be invisible to the motion sensor cameras above automatic doors

The power to love Justin Bieber

The power to go back in time, but only as Anne Frank during the Holocaust.

The power to waste time coming up with pointless super powers

Power to know EVERYTHING you say tha just happened

The power of not having to fill out chapchas

you can shoot cars but the always hit you

The ability to know all the cheats/hacks for Half-Life 3.

The power to make only right turns. take THAT nascar!

The power to lower your own ego.

The power to transform into a paralysed turtle with half its shell missing

The power to go back in time but only be able to go 1 second back

The power to see your neck without a mirror

The power to read everything 2 seconds faster than usual

The superpower to fly but when you reach 55 feet up you loose your power

The power to turn trollface by yelling "TROLLFACE ACTIVATE!" You can turn human-face again by yelling "XYGNEFAGINTHYCHRSICXAIOXJIEHJFEIHFIGHEÅÆELFKEÆKFÆEFKEÆAKFÆEAFKÆAFKEÆAFKOÆEFOKEÆFKAÆEA" For a year in exact correct spelling/pronunciation.

The power to poop in the worst time ever and you cannot control it

The power of licking your own elbow and nose

The ability to go poop and pee.

The power to kill yourself if there is a bullet in your heart, brain, and liver all at the same time

the power to look directly at the sun only if it is on the other side of the earth

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!