The ability to metamorphose into any kind of cheese

The power to self destruct

the power to disappear up your own asshole

The ability to jump 8 feet fences

The ability to police irony

The power to spell-check or at least reread what you're about to post.

The ability to die at will, but not come back to life.

The power to have useless superpowers which can only be used at wrong times

A book on how to solve a paradix

The power to burn the sun.

The power to revive people, however it only works on people who commit genocide.

The power to swim on land.

The power to wiggle your toes unless they're tomatoes..

The power to see through walls, but only when you're in a glass room.

Th power to have a 10 minute delayed reaction, so if you stub your toe 10 minutes later you scream like a f***nut

The power to be reincarnated as yourself 5 minutes before you die again

The power to save 16% or more on your auto insurance

the power to imagine any women naked...but only as an octogenerian

The power to control Rollie pollies

Power to not have any power.

The power to laugh uncontrollably in funerals

The power to not care.

The power to make clean socks dirty.

The power throw up hockey pucks every few minutes.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!