The power to not constantly thumb my comments up or down, whichever. Moral: Energy spent on me, is energy well spent! Stay proud and walk tall soldier!

The ability to change the color of your socks while wearing shoes

The power to fight fire with fire and create more fire.

The power to make a baby stop crying for 1 second

ability to smack the crap out of austin calhounh and laugh at him

The power to turn 85 in 85 years.

The power to fart to inside. By mouth.

The power to only see glass.

The power to be invisible to everything but security cameras.

The power to blow up when you blink

The ability to talk to dust mites.

The power of having the answer to every possible question, but also to have no way of describing said answers!

The power to do control the atmosphere, but only in space.

The abillity to laugh hystericaly at theese superpowers, But only when On the toilet pooping.

Invisibility, when no one is looking.

The power to magically generate drugs in your pockets, but only while being arrested or in a police station.

The power to be invisible to eligible singles.

being black

The power to break through walls but forget to shout "OH YEAH!"

The power to be a MISSERABLE PILE OF SECRETS! BUT ENOUGH TALK (glass breaks) HAVE AT YOU! Moral: More are gonna get this one than those below, this one is merely a quote rather than cerebral. But you can always pretend to understand it by thumbing it up, or down if you just fail at understanding, either way is fine.

The power to menstruate from your eyes.

The power to know the word for potato in every human language... including binary (011100000110111101110100011000010111010001101111)

the power to be a master carpenter, make anything, except love.

The power to throw up and have it go back into your mouth

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!