The power to not be funny

power to be the best theif ever known to man but only if your in the most high tech prison

The power to be invisible to everything but security cameras.

The power to always have the exact amount of money in your pocket when buying something, but then drop and lose a dime when the money over.

The power to listen to Meghan Straight talk

The ability to spontaneously get drunk, but only when writing your exams

the ability to tell time without a watch

the power to spell words wrong

The power to be a MISSERABLE PILE OF SECRETS! BUT ENOUGH TALK (glass breaks) HAVE AT YOU! Moral: More are gonna get this one than those below, this one is merely a quote rather than cerebral. But you can always pretend to understand it by thumbing it up, or down if you just fail at understanding, either way is fine.

The power to teleport only when you have eaten something you really hate or allergic to.

The power to menstruate from your eyes.

The power to be there were you dont wanet to be!

The power to talk to plants but only when they have mean things to say.

The power to expel a single spaghetti from any limb randomly

The power to feel the emotions of the dead ones

The power to die.

The power to type stupid superpowers when you sleepwalk.

The power of super strength but only in your left pinky toe - EO

The power to levitate birds while they are flying....

The power to kill yourself at will

The power to run as fast as a snail.

The power to eat carrot cake, then die 12 seconds

The power to ejaculate napalm

The power to eat food, unless you're touching food.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!