The power to communicate through complex technology that was only developed 50 years ago and is still un known if it is harmful

to be able to eat candybars and spit out diabetes

the power to poop forever and pee forever. ,the power too teleport 1in.

the power to teleport to the center of the earth

the power to walk up the stairs without losing your breath...

el poder de leer "google" en cualquier idioma

the power to turn retarted

The power of attracting fired bullets

The power drown in water

the power to be able to light yourself on fire yet not be immune to it

the power to fly while under water

The power to have any power on this site.

The power to make a woman make you a sandwich

The power to levitate a lamp 4 inches off the ground... Once...

the ability to an app cost 1 cent less (no free apps don't count

The power to exaggerate everything, a power a billion, trillion overly trabillion times more powerful than anything, like 3000000 Chuck Norrises, except they are all weak in comparison to this power.

The power to see women naked, but only when they're your friend's mom.

The power of gentle breeze

The ability to see everything in black and white.

I can talk to fish.... They don't have a lot to say

The power to be really bad at CSGO

the power to die at will

The power of being able to rotate in non-rotatable chairs.

The power to be alone

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!