the ability to increase your debts in the bank.

the power to hate disney stars

The ability to be a jew during the holocaust

The power of being Chuck Norris and be the main utterly pointless source of pointless powers.

The ability to fly, but only as high as you are tall.

the ability to not hear or feel yourself pass gas that is abnormally loud.

The ability to read my dogs' mind, while it humps my leg...

Power to make other people rich.

the power to have your farts smell of cinnamon

the power to divide by 0

the power to be obama only if your obama

The power of thinking of a good useless superpower.

The power to only misspell mispell.

The ability to pee your pants at will.

the power to return after death but only when youre death because you've bin ran over by a fingerskatebord

The power to make your feet stink at will.

The ability to change the writing on signs

The ability to not make a face when eating a lemon, but only after you have already eaten 5 lemons.

the power to teleport, but only in front of a tyrannosaurus rex.

The power to poop out you penis

The ability to pee while sleeping.

The power to cum every time you show your private parts.

The power to see through windows when people sleep.

The power to convince people who already agreed with you.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!