the power to see everyone as a tree

The power to be immortal until the moment that you would die.

beard snap. ...snap your fingers and beards for all !!!

the power to be on fire always.(even when u are in water)

The power to know the word for potato in every human language... including binary (011100000110111101110100011000010111010001101111)

The power to speak to toasters

The power to fell pain 3 minutes after it happens.

The power to be -100% faster...

The power to fly but only when your eyes are closed.

u?op ?p?sdn ?d?? o? ???od ???

The power to see the future when you sleep but forget it as soon as you wake up

The powwer of super-serial watching on netflix

the power to give your mom amazing orgasms by doing her analy

the ability to make toast while standing on your head at 12:46 every Tuesday Greenwich Meridian Time.

the power to make food disappear in your mouth only when your mouth is not closed.

The power to use your penis as a lasso.

the power to eat your cereal and milk with a knife

The Power to Die instantly.

The power to seduce anyone you do not want.

The power to count exactly how many babies under the age of three weeks existed in the last 14 seconds.

The power to have the longest little finger

The power to burp where you fart, and fart where you burp.

The power to always know the exact time.

The power to flip the world upside-down when you do a handstand.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!