The power to speed up time for only 1 Planck Instant every hour.

Teh pewer too dissablee speeltjeck Mortal: KOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!

the power to be a free wireless hotspot only when you are completely motionless.

The power to shoot milk through your eyes

the power to win the crying game

The ability to teleport 1 step forward at will at a walking pace.

The ability to find a use for High School Algebra.

The power to smell a fart upwind.

The power to have all the powers written in here

The power to tell when someone is using a cheese grater within 5 feet

the power to suck but only when your awesome

The power to create peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without having any peanut butter.

Power to freeze ice.

The ability to turn any escalator into a flight of stairs.

The power to shoot pieces of cheese from your eyes..

the ability to type slower.

The power to speak only one language

The power to have no powers

The power to ejaculate napalm

The power to summon a rainstorm. Just a rainstorm, nothing else.

Power to freeze your self in time but everyone else can move, but you cant

The power of reading your own mind.

The power to see white objects in off white.

The power to taste anything you smell.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!