The ability to turn any escalator into a flight of stairs.

The power to shoot pieces of cheese from your eyes..

the ability to type slower.

The power to speak only one language

The power to have no powers

The power to ejaculate napalm

The power to summon a rainstorm. Just a rainstorm, nothing else.

The power to make people extremely happy as soon as you die.

Power to freeze your self in time but everyone else can move, but you cant

The power of reading your own mind.

The power to see white objects in off white.

The power to taste anything you smell.

The power to produce fish eggs from your left eye

The ability to feel pain 1,000 times more acutely than an average human.

i love to make shit brix

The power to summon garden mushrooms in the top of your head every time you're having a serious talk to anyone

The power to be the only person who can save mankind from creatures that don't exist.

The power to only be attracted to people under the age of 15.

The power to be HUMAN

The power to be powerless

The ability to have night-vision, but only during the day

The power to bend a bendy straw faster than the speed of light.

the power to read and agree to the terms or service

The power to throw-up purple cheese curds on command, but you are also allergic to purple cheese curds?

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!