The power to read this text unless you can see it.

Strength to instantly kill anyone just by lightly tapping them, as long as they're physically stronger than you.

The power to accidentally stumble upon huge, life-changing GoT spoilers on the internet

The power to crap without pissing.

The ability to teleport 1 Planck length in any direction you want

The power to see through things that are invisible.

The power to not have a superpower

the power to open doors that are unlocked

The power to walk on water mixed with cornstarch and cesium.

The power to know if someone in China eats Rice

the power to grow any one hair at any desirable lenght

Have god like powers but only on 30 of february

The power to be an artistic genius during a math test.

The power to have any nice guy, but they're all gay.

The power to have explosive diarrhea when people are looking at you.

The power drown in water

The power to shoot rainbows out of your dick, the rainbows can pwn anyone if you smoked crack before using this power

The power of drawing perfects dog dicks, but not dogs at all.

the power to permanently change your name to Graham

The Power to fly for 13.56 Seconds on a Sunday afternoon after looking at a penny and spinning for 46 and a half times.

The power to generate fecal matter when being held at gunpoint.

The power to go suicide

the power to laugh at burials and cry at weddings

The power to go hibernate at winter.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!