The ability to read braile.

The power to turn into an exploding pink chair.

the power to exit this site because of the maple story ad.

The power to change locations with: Michael Jackson, Elvis, Hitler, Stalin, and many more, simply by jumping up and down 3 times.

The power to have hindsight.

The power to be able to do anything you want, but only as long as you don't know that you have that power.

The power to make your self drunk using only your mind, but only while your driving your kids to school

the ability to self resurrect only if you are not dead

The power to remove any fart smell from a room by taking ten deep and loud inhales through your nose (only five for girl farts).

the power to always hug people

The power to bounce a beach ball with lightly above-average accuracy

The power to run at the speed of ligth but only when running complete circles

The power to self destruct yourself 1 time and 1 time only

The power to think that you can fly when you wear a cape.

The power to understand irony.

The ability to create bruises on your body but not know where they came from, and then poke them.-.Jack

The Power to believe you have superpowers

The power to laugh at Tyler Perry's House of Payne.

The power to see in only one random color everyday.

The power to not be affected by bullets unless you are shot with one by a gun

You can have anything you don't want at any time.

The power to sound like a 12 year old while playing call of duty

the power to stop masturbating every day

The ability to spit mouthwash

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!