The power to produce wi-fi but with password no one knows.?

to be able to eat candybars and spit out diabetes

the power to fly, but only at the speed of light you, for less than 1 second, but you must land at the exact same spot you started and your mind cannot comprehend anything any differently than a normal human

Being immortal but not being able to eat food and you always feel horrible, but your body heals you every day so you get more pain every day.

The power to understand math.

The power to make birds levitate as you walk by them.

The ability to transform into a bucket full of water... With no idea how to turn back.

The power drown in water

The power to close your eyes and drift off to a state of unconsciousness.

The power to sleep if your not awake

The power to revert to a six year old and teleport to the closest pedophile guild

the power to be able to light yourself on fire yet not be immune to it

The power to sleep with your eyes open.

The power to not be turned off by the word "moist"

The power to teleport yourself to the nearest exit location.

The power to revive people, however it only works on people who commit genocide.

The power to break your bones on command.

The power to make your limbs fall off but they do not grow back.

The power to say or type random variables withou1 2.96 1 1 2 3 5 8 13t knowing.

The power to make guns appear in the hands of people who are enraged at you.

The power to die when you get scared.

I HAVE A TINY PINGAS! (Penis) Moral: Ladyfriend here daring me to post this here, PFF! Is that even a dare? I got balls of steel! Oh, and I should totally ask my doctor if she can give me something that helps me unwind after multiple female company, or at least they are daring me all to type that pff! Im not even good looking... And noooooo, nobody dared me to type that, they want todeeeeeeeeeellllllllteeeeeeeeee tht BUTI SHALLOOOWWWWWWINSSSSSSSS

The power to give anybody the finger - except the person you're mad at.

The power to blink at incredibly fast speeds

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!