The power of becoming an apple tree

The ability to catch bullets traveling under 5 mph

The power to spontaneously poop every time you see a sheep.

the power to turn into a bucket of water

the powre to spel

the power to inhale and exhale air

The Power To Make Justin Bieber.

The ability to know how to drive a car but only when piloting light aircraft

The power to communicate with earthworms.

The power of slowing down your reflexes respond whenever you want.

The ability to run super fast, but you don't have legs.

Basic telekinesis, limited to moving your body parts with your mind.

the ability vote up this superpower

the power to have another pointless superpower

to be able to fly but only 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001 millimetres of the ground and not even feel or look like your floating

Feeling people's depression.

the power to make men funnier smarter and more athletic then womer.

The power to shoot skittles when you cum.

The super power to control paper.

The power to become helpless at will.

The power to set time to High Noon whenever its 11:59:51

The power to repeat any superpower listed and getting several points until someone discovers its just a copy.

The power to stop reading this. Or the power to live forever but only if you never ate BACON !

The power of minding your own business

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!