the power to lift 5 tonnes above your head, but only for 0.1 seconds

the power to write comic books

The power to time travel two seconds into the future.

The power to vote for Donald trump as president

The power to control grass, not make it grow, but make it move in any direction you want.

The power to say or type random variables withou1 2.96 1 1 2 3 5 8 13t knowing.

The power to self destruct yourself 1 time and 1 time only

Which superpower would you rather have? 1. The ability to fly 2. Invisibility 3.The ability to make people climax sexually with your mind

The power to spell-check or at least reread what you're about to post.

The ability to police irony

The power to wake up and live through school....

the ability to make your finger nails longer by 0.1 %

The power to increase the rate of plant and fungal matter growth by 15% by staring intently at it.

The ability to die on command.

the power to sleep for a LONG TIME but u still can die from dehydration and no food

the power of running at superspeed, whenever you are sat down

the power to write only the letter R

The power to only drink liquids

The power to see everything BUT u have to be blind Or the powaaaaaa.... srry anyway the power to hear every damn thing but u have to def Congrats : u lost one of your senses for nothing at all have fun but I'm not talking to the blind 1 cause u know he can't see Wat I posted@_@

The power to look into cheese.

The power to climb ladders faster.

The ability to fart extremely loudly every time you blink - but only when having dinnerwith your girlfriends parents for the first time.

The power to slightly disfigure anything made out of macaroni.

The power to teleport to the center of the Earth.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!