The power to look at yourself in third person

The power to make lie the ultimate truth

The power of being immune to bee stings when no bees are near you

The power to read any captcha, but no longer be able to type.

The power to breath fire but only when covered in gasoline/petrolium

The power to have horrible spelling while trying to write an ad for the pointless superpowers app.

The ablility to think of the worst racial slurs, but only when a member of that race is nearby.

The power to turn gold into stones.

The power to have withdrawal symptoms.

The power to be the only person who can save mankind from creatures that don't exist.

The power to be able to teleport through a random fat man's colon.

The power to come back to life just by yelling: I LIVE AGAIN! Or RESURRECTION! (which is not easy when you are dead)

The power to only be attracted to people under the age of 15.

The power to see in the dark outside but only at day time.

the ability to become black.

The ability to watch movies in 1D

the power to talk to animals but only when it means stealing your ice cream

The power to absorb your hair into your body and the burp up a bottle of shampoo and you have to do this once a day or your eyes and ears and mouth and nose will liquify for a day.

having the same super powers as batman!

The power to balance the light switch in the middle but only on the 4th try.

The power to smell any point in time

The power to use internet explorer at a moderate working speed

The power to turn cheese into potatoes.

The power to be a Fox News anchor with something actually coherent to say.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!