The power to kill anyone who is 4 seconds away from certain death

The power uncontrollably self destruct when you feel safe.

The power to win any game against a 5-year-old.

The power to pee any color

the power to hear whats going on in your ear

The power to grow a mustache anywhere but on your face

The power to have no powers

the power to fart for ten straight seconds with one second in between each fart.:)

Projectile Perspiration: The ability to perspire on other people, up to 2 meters away.

The power to...lick you're nose

the power to read your own thoughts

The power to turn into a sloth at random times.

The power to play a flute with your ass

The power to have your toe nails and fingernails be bulletproof.

The power to turn vaseline into mercury whenever you think about throwing away a perfectly good taco

The pointless super power of take a shit in your own mouth!

the power for men to squirt milk from their nipples

The power to jump only one centimeter high.

The power to stop making up pointless super powers and submiting them on a website called pointless superpowers

the ability to fart out of your nose

The power to hold your breath forever, but only in a hot-tub.

The ability to eat whole chickens at will, but only when yr not hungry.

the power to do sit on your couch all day

Having the power to stand still

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!