the ability to pee in your own butt.

The power to fall off a tree, then land in spikes.

Liam Brudenell

The ability to be smarter than the average bear.

The power to appear in the center of the moon (in a hollow space) whenever you die.

The power to change your eye color.

the power to fart for ten straight seconds with one second in between each fart.:)

The power to be a mistborn but only if you're on Scadrial.

The power to glow in the dark but only when your really sleepy.

Crap out everything you're allergic too

The power to melt ice into hot ice

The power to swallow chewed up food.

The superpower of surviving a gunshot, if properly attended in a hospital afterwards.

The power to get thumbs down.

EntirelyTooManyNapkins Man

tha powah to haz pointless supah powahz

The power to think of a clever comeback as soon as the person has left the room.

Being a freemason

The power to fly into the sun.

the power to see the present.

The power to die and get away with it

The ability to crap out acid once every month.

The power to turn invisible, in pitch darkness

The power to f*ck yourself

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!