The power to fly really fast, but only in one direction (down).

The power to eat mayonnaise , but only when you do so, you become able to breath underwater for thirteen seconds!

the power to fail

Walk on water, swim in land!

The power to not yawn after someone else does.

the ability to teleport to th place you were 5 seconds ago, unless you've just been to a bank vault and just knocked out teh security gaurd.

The power to look really cool when sitting in a chair when nobody's looking at you

The power to see into the future and past but not remember any of it.

the power to be permanently unconfortable.

The power to shoot socks out of your hands.

The power to enlarge your penis but only when you use a penis pump.

the power to not die only when someone shoots you in your left heel.

The power to stop making up pointless super powers and submiting them on a website called pointless superpowers

Having the power to see in the dark if you are blind

The power too shot seeds IF you are not alive

The power to read all these post's in less then a day

The power to accidentally make pop-up adds appear on the device you are using if you click the X on a website or add!

Reverse Pooping

The power to erase stupid blogs or comments

the power to turn invisible in corners but only in igloos

The power to see the future but through a straw.

The ability to speak to deaf caterpillers

The power to detect which kitchen drawers contain the silverwear at other peoples houses

the power to fly indoors

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!