The power to cause cash to spontaneously combust upon touch.

The power to send emails via pigeon

the power to trip on shoe laces, even when they are not even your own.

The power to move things with your mind while you sleep.

The ability to control water but only when it is raining

The power to get older every second

the power to insta-kill anyone as long as their dead

the power to let dust gather twice as fast

the ability to DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!!!

The power to lose your sense of touch and orgasm uncontrollably for five minutes.

The power to turn your external hearing off, only to replace it with the sound of very, very slow internal dubstep.

The power to turn all of the air into a solid.

The power to go back to Anti-jokes.

The power to shit whole balogna sandwiches.

the power to feel extreme pain


The power to be able to run at the speed of light only when you have no energy to stand up

The power to excrete food colouring from your sweat glands.

The ability to fly, but only when sleeping...

The power to think up really funny pointless superpowers.

The power to see Waldo everywhere you look, unless your looking at his books

The power to be born.


The power to be Sexually Molested And Raped Twice and be smart at the same time.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!