The Power to be aqua man

The power to make me a sandwich without first being instructed.

The power to go back in time to when you were in Kindergarten for the soul purpose of eating the crayons before anyone else.

The power to be able to make yourself catch on fire, but not be fire proof...

The power to have bad luck!

The power to transform into a arab guy with a turban and long beard each time you enter an airport.

The power to f*ck yourself

the power to-OMFG IT'S TAILS DOLL!

The power to pause and resume time, but you also pause yourself.

the power to not die only when someone shoots you in your left heel.

The power to automaticly teleport over a cliff only when you are within 12.36 lightyears from one

the power to dive 50km/h but only when nobodys watching

the power to fly that only activates when you REALLY want to kill yourself by leaping.

The ability to control when a certain crow caws, but only of it was born in Bejing,China and raised in Ansterdam.

The power to breathe

The power to be a leave by putting on leaves.

the ability to turn into random hats

The ability to fly but only for 5 seconds and when you are on an oily floor in tube socks being chased by 10 Puerto Rican woman.

The power to die and come back as a invincible bug that lives for 5 seconds

the power to die at will

Being able to say Sushi 10 times in a row fastly.

The power to drive any Lamborghini or other shit expensive car you want. You still need to get a car like that though...

The power to lick your elbow.

the power to be as dumb as george bush and as useless as barrak obama

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!