The power to escape reality by entering the magical land of skyrim via your PS3.

The power to shrink your hand only when its inside a pringles container.

the power to grow mustache combs from your fingernails, but lack the ability to grow facial hair

The power to speak any language, but only the ones that aren't spoken in the country that you are in.

The power to dace uncontrolably but not be able to stop...ever

The Power to float on water, except when you're wet..

The power to fart rainbows

The power of measuring grains of corn from a large distance.

the ability to glow in the light.

the ability to never catch things that other people toss gently at you

The power to eat food a little faster. So when you are done you have to just stay there for 5 more minutes for everybody to finish

the power of having super fast growing body hair. It grows a half inch a day.

The power to sleep through a dream.

The ability to turn anything into a belt.

the power to turn a leaf into a different type of leaf

The power to teleport to the last place you shit.

The power to bleed

The power to to excrete fluids from your body after digesting food or obtaining liquids

The power to see into the present

the power to stop sitting on the internet wacthing cat videos

The ability to fly but, if you use it, birds start flocking around you and shitting on you.

The power to be asleep while in bed


the power to find a needle in a haystack

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!