The power to lift liquids, as long as they're in some sort of solid container.

The power to automatically uncensor anything you want.

the ability to fly under water unless your wet

The power to telekinetically pick your nose and eat it.

the power die if you think.

The power to fly only when you're already in an airplane.

The power to fly, but only when you are less than a foot off the ground.

The power to teleport, but you will be just as tired as if you had walked there and it would take the same amount of time to get there.

the ability to turn kfc into popeyes

the power to at will swap your hands and feet around... you fall over every time

The power to look through glass.

The power to procrastinate so much, you don't even eat, and eventually die.

the power to not finish your

The power to always find lost objects... right after buying a replacement.

the power to find children extremely attractive

The power of perfect 20/20 hindsight

The power to grow new teeth.

The power to fly but only when your on the ground

The power to rain fireballs down upon those you love.

The power to give epic blowjobs, works only if you are a incarcerated, straight male.

The power to never end your .

the power to get a massive headache whenever you look at toast

The power to fry and suffer harder than anyone when lit on fire.

The ability to get anyone answer your messages when the answer starts: What the...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!