The power to blow up, before a bomb next to you blows up.

The power to read terms and conditions

The power to levitate, but only after exactly 10 hours of sleep and you have to be wearing a tin foil bathing suit.

The power to spend your money on yourself, when you gotta do something useful with it, like giving it to me. Moral: GIVE ME THY TRESUUUR!

The power to give yourself cancer

the power to control nothing

The power to cheat on your wife with your wife only if shes on her period

The Power To Captilize The First Letter Of Each Word Without Thinking About It.

the power to spit long distances at inconvenient times

The ability to reduce the value of a penny.

The power to control facial hair of women.

The power to move 1 second into the future. Takes 1 second to work.

The ability to not slip on banana peels

The power to collect a interesting variety of ceramic animals.

The power to love Justin Bieber

The power to become a llama.

The power to go back in time, but only as Anne Frank during the Holocaust.

The power to autocorrect your mom.

To Read All The Pointless Superpowers And Imagine To Have them When Other people Are Thinking That Your A Crazy-Childish Person Role-Playing those Pointless Superpowers

The power to waste time coming up with pointless super powers

The power to be invisible to the motion sensor cameras above automatic doors

To be able to generate cancer at will

The power to eat the same food but you have to throw it up first.

The power of not having to fill out chapchas

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!