The power to eat edible things.

The power to fail a test everytime

The power to shrink boobs by merely touching them.

The power to kill someone with a knife

The power to re-click a webpage over and over as long as it won't load

Justin Bieber

the power to summon endless number of girls ages 6 to 13 but only if you 47 years old

the power to fart every time you blink

the power to pay 1 cent less then what items in the store cost

The power to die at will

The power to breathe ABOVE water.

The power to be an amazing playing instruments, but die if you touch any instruments.

the power to teleport anywhere and see anything but every time to teleport there's 75% chance you'll die

The ability to shoot a banana from your eyebrow every time you are riding on a unicycle.

The ability to yell through your nose

The ability to lose all your limbs on command.

The ability to enter the gender's changing room with no one noticing but losing the ability to see and feel.

The power to think of a good super power right now.

The ability to print random memes on their tongue, but it has to be one that everyone in the room has seen before.


The power to Insult people by accidentally saying something you didn't know was offensive to them. You adopted jew

The power to make Q-Tips rain from the sky every month

The power to open doors the opposite way they were made to open.

the ability to tell what some last ate smelling their farts

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!