the ability to do absolutely nothing

the power to breathe in space but have to be were there is gravity

I realised that people are randomly disliking posts for no reason up to page 4. Who are these trolls!?

the power to make thin air that is harmless

The power to never be old but died at young age

The power to finish anyone's sentience.

Immunity to curable diseases.

The power to turn Dollars into Pennies

The power to give yourself a migraine at will.

The power to be able to make something usable but have it disappear when you try to use it.

The power to fly 4 inches from the ground

the power to permanently change your name to Graham

The power drown in water

the power to like charlie

The power to buy "I cant believe its not butter" and turn the damn thing into real butter.

The power to vomit through your anus.

The power to not have a superpower

The power to have 50%-78% water in your body

The power to be able to study seriously, but still be clueless when test day arrives.

The power to slightly disfigure anything made out of macaroni.

The power to go Super Saiyan in the toilet

The power to make any single girl instantly reach for her Mace.

The power to give people std's during intercourse

the power to refreeze frozen ice

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!