the ability to see as well as stevie wonder

The ability to instantly turn 360 degrees.

the ability to troll the internet but never get a response

The power to read upside down...only when you're upside down.

The power to find any object in an I-Spy book, but instantly forget the location of the previously found object.

The power to sense the emotions of inanimate objects.

The ability to gain more intelligence every second, while whacking your head on a pole, knocking out your brain cells.

The ability to obtain a date with any girl you want, but only if you are gay.

the power to like Hilary Clinton

The power to change your eye color.

The power of micro penis.

The power to do 1d3 points of damage on successful touch attack twice a day assuming no spell resistance.

The power to propel urine at the top speed of the animal you most recently thought of.

The power to bleed

shit and piss at the same time

The power to shape shift into water

The power to transform yourself into a door.

The power to give epic blowjobs, works only if you are a incarcerated, straight male.

Super strength, but the only thing it affects is feathers.

The power to transform into a bronie

The power to be 6% fireproof

the power to pee and sneeze at the same time.

the power to feel the emotions of other people, that are severely depressed.

The power to produce fish eggs from your left eye

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!