the ability to tell what some last ate smelling their farts

The power to become THE APOCALYPSE But you are NOT FIT TO SURVIVE....

The power of flight, but also have vertigo. VertigoMan to the resc Aggh!!!! Please someone get me down. OH GOD!!!! HELP!!!!

The ability to be bulletproof after you get shot.

The power to turn your self into a rock that is being thrown into a volcano.

The power to make a small chair appear -- one time.

The Power to be trust by anyone as long as you are saying bullshits.

The Power to rot you favorite food by looking at it

The power to have a atomic fart

The power to sing that lame "Tomorrow" song from Annie uncontrollaby on Dec. 21, 2012.

The pointless superpower to point any where and one of those bouncy castles appear.

The power to run at the speed of ligth but only when running complete circles

to make asians smart

the power to fly, but only when you are in a plane that is already flying. inflight flight

The power to smell people's moods

The power to move the remote from the coffee table, where it is sitting 2 feet out of reach, into your hands

the power to learn literature(in school) before the Bagrut exam

The power of temporary invincibility but you have to kill yourself first

the power to become demented

the power to see through water.

You might not GET super power, but you can get some super bonus. Get free rides with Lyft, (only new passengers). Use Lyft official code "IAMLUCKY" to get $50 up to $200 in ride credits. Now thats like a little superpower, you get to teleport from one place to other for free with Lyft. Get some super bonus until you really ever get a super power ;-)

The power to make everyone else blink around you when you blink.

The power to see in the dark, unless your awake.

The power to have a godlike super human strength but it only activates during a REM sleep cycle.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!