The ability to look at the sun and not go blind. Because your already blind in the first place.

the power to be immortal, but only temporally

The power to drink 10 gallons of water only when you desperately need to piss.

the power to stub your toe while gardening and only cry for twenty minutes.

the power to delete your own existence from the univers( aka you never existed in the first place and neither did the power )

The power to be able to run at the speed of light only when you have no energy to stand up

The power to kill any one of your direct ancestors back in time.

The power to chew harder than your teeth can structurally withstand.

The power to speak in braille...

The power to read while your eyes are open but you can't read while your eyes are closed.

The power to uncontrollably poop, pee, barf, & sneeze at the same time, indefinitely (can't pause power once started).

The power to control your own limb movement

the power to to be glow in the dark during the day.

The power to look what is at the back of your head.

Power to listen to Hatsune Miku while reading these.

to create balloons out of anywhere on your body, and twist them into whatever you look at.

the abitity to talk to someone l the way across the world,but only deaf people

the ability to find pointless superpower

The ability to die at will, but not come back to life.

The ability to shoot apples, but they disintegrate in mid-air. Also, the apples are tiny.

The power to do a wheelie on. Unicycle

The power to have any super power you need, unless you need to use that super power

The ability to turn traffic lights red in your lane and green for everyone else

the power to only have to go to the bathroom once a year but smell like poop the whole year.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!