The power to change the tv channel only when you have the remote in your hands.

The power to run past the speed of sound... Backwards

The power to walk forward and walk backwards at the same time in a lying down position while your asleep having a wet dream about goat puppies.

The power to teleport anywhere you don't want to go.

the power to travel to parallel universes where the power to travel to parallel universes doesnt exist

The power to win the lottery, but only the december 21 of 2012.

the power to see through tv's but only when your trying to watch one

The power to be dead

the power to not fall in love with someone while you're dating someone else.

The power to teleport yourself naked in front of your mom each time she is naked. (it cant be shut of)

The power to communicate with inter-dimensional beings, but they're reeeeally annoying.

The power to pick thing up with your feet

the power to eat anything edible but not if it's edible.

the power of breath 10 times per second of you will die

The power to be a bird that can't fly

The power of having night vision that only works during the day

The power to see through glass doors.

The power to climb trees really fast, but they shrink when you do.

The power to shrink at will, but never grow back to your normal size.

The ability to walk five hundred miles but than you have to walk five hundred more.

The power to wave your hands without ever tiring

The power to resist the Facebook status forces.

The ability to turn into any inanimate object, but you can't turn back.

the power to twerk as good as miley cyrus

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!