The power to give vegetables immortality.

The power to write about power.

ability to have sexual intercourse with homosexuals like Levi Hahne

The power to jump really high but get hurt when you fall back down :You now posses airborne suicide DUMBASS

the power to not watch south park

The power to move 7% faster.

The power to stay a virgin

the power to make your voice sound like a two year old little girl's.

The power to agree to the "Terms of Service" without actually reading them.

black people

The ability to fart with out smellling it only the others around you

The power to go into the future. Only by 1 second.

the power to be wrong

The ability to clap your hands in Spanish

The power to become extremely strong and intelligent by being in contact with substances such as: -Kryptonite -Adamantium -Any acid that can melt trough glass -A gallon of moose sperm ( you must be submerged)

The ability to cry shampoo at will. But it still stings.

The abliity to fall asleep while

The power to make objects slightly furry

Th power to be telepathetic

THE POWER OF WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS but just with a telephone in hand that can reproduce videos

The power to like this comment while you can't like any other ones.

The power to be a human for 1 second once a month.

the power to send future you crazy

The true motor of bliss runs on sex and ice cream with no flavor but calling august to see if life will eat us all or not. And she is. And he is. But the dance is corrupted with none-music and machin touch down there.....

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!