The power to lose the remote.

Birthday In August Just wait On it

The power to give a **** about bigfoot

Using your brain when you could simply type in "" in the url.

The superpower of surviving a gunshot, if properly attended in a hospital afterwards.

the power to talk to animals.......without them understanding you.

The power to make any girl attracted to you. Unless the girl is anywhere above a 7 on the hot scale

The power to defrost windows with the turn of a knob.

The power to summon a green Hippo that would mush up your poop in your toilet. Oddly, the superpower is only able to be summonded one a year, sorry.

The power to die when you change emotions

The power to turn your knee any shade of orange on every full moon.

The power to grow back your nails 2 seconds after you pick them.

The power to fly at Mach 3 but only if your in the air, but too bad cuz the power comes at a cost which is making you weigh 21 more tons than you used to weigh.

the power to do CALCULUS for homeless people you run into on the street.

The power to see in to the future of one second

to make water turn blue when you touch it.

The Power Of being Overly Generous in Bad Situations.

The power to resist trolling.

Have sex but not feel it

The powert to look at people, only when you're alone.

The power to be scared shitless and run around like a retard for about 100 minutes.


The power to read someone's mind, but only if they're thinking of tacos.

The power to feel lustful when watching My Little Pony Clopfic.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!