The power to take control of cars that aren't moving.

The power of heating things if they are located in microwave.

the ability to teleport to th place you were 5 seconds ago, unless you've just been to a bank vault and just knocked out teh security gaurd.

The ability to turn into a melting crayon for $20

the power to be permanently unconfortable.

The power to do anything within your limits.

The power to shoot socks out of your hands.

The power to breath underwater only when on land.

The power to stop making up pointless super powers and submiting them on a website called pointless superpowers

The power to activate all musical instruments at full volume just by going to sleep.

The power to read all these post's in less then a day

The power to accidentally make pop-up adds appear on the device you are using if you click the X on a website or add!

The power to not lie wall you activate"I Agree To TheTerms Of Sevice"

The power of the detachable little toe!

power to take a dump through your front (if you know what i mean)

The power to see the future but through a straw.

the power to fly indoors

The power to burst into flames but not be immune to heat.

The power to summon anything from any store, after paying 10 times its worth.

the power of becoming a ginger.

The power to see through clothes, but only dungarees.

The ability to do arithmetic one year after 1st grade.

The power to make you teeth yellower

The ability to know what time it is, but only when you have a watch on.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!