The power to kick ass and chew bubblegum but be all out of kicks. "sits down chews bubblegum"

the power to see farther, but only in pitch blackness

The power to write complete sentenc

The power to read people's minds, but only in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried

The Ability to breathe but only when your dead

Ability to shit nuclear waste

The ability to play black ops anytime you want

The ability to read any language and understand it perfectly but only in pitch black darkness.

The power to always fart at the most inappropriate time

The power to have super-sonic hearing, but only in the presence of the mute.

The ability to cry shampoo at will. But it still stings.

the power to be really itchy.

the power to shit cellulose

The Power to make up full names on the spot.

The power to be able to shoot arrows really well...cough.

The power to give anyone a Kim Jong-un haircut.

the power to allow diet coke to make you fat

The power to go back in time but only in the year 17.

power to make your saliva taste like a 90 yr old diabetic old man who has tapeworms' poop

The power of superstrength, but heavy objects are your weakness.

The power to not be able to reach the top shelf.

the ability to fly 6 inches off the groung

the power to sing like justin bieber

The power to fart upon command.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!