The power to breath Oxygen

the power to take ipecac without throwing up

The power to to excrete fluids from your body after digesting food or obtaining liquids

The power to moves in slow motion.

The power to walk 1% faster.

The power to turn into a pineapple that can teleport into a persons stomach while they're eating spaghetti with meatballs that arent meatball but instead tofuballs that are flavoured as battery acid that have been poisned with pikachu pee that pikachu drank from a pond with whale corpses that died because of a pine apple that was in a persons stomach while they're eating spaghetti with meatballs that arent meatball but instead tofuballs that are flavoured as battery acid that have been poisned with pikachu pee that pikachu drank from a pond with whale corpses that died.

The power to turn delicious and tasteful food into useless brown mush.

The power to sweat profusely on cold days.

The power to turn grow a vagina that can whistle on your neck during a full moon.

The ability to lift things up and put them down.

The ability to see the future through the eyes of people you don't know in places you can never go while you are doing life threatening work.

The power to know the end of every movie ever.

The ability to turn wine into water...

The power to lose body parts by merely thinking about losing said parts coupled together with worry. I.e. I hope I don't lose my testicles.... Damn-it!!

The problem to spit bars like a white person with autism

the power to see through people's clothing when they're naked

The power to kill yourself.

The ability to remember what you don't want to remember

The power to die after life has left you old and decrepit.

make youself dumb

the power to catch em' all

the power to allow dumbass powers to be written on this site

The power to read the minds of sandwhiches.

The power of telepathy but only when you alone

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!