the ability to never catch things that other people toss gently at you

The power to say WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN - but only at peoples funerals or when taking a piss (but you uncontrolably flail your arms).

The ability to become invisible when noone is looking at you.

The power to make water come out of your fingertips in a slow trickle, the way it looks in the shower.

The power of love

Incredible Slothman. The power to move slowly.

Being able to transform into anything on and off the planet, only, you have to be touching that object.

The power to make doughnuts rapidly advance in age

The power to be attracted by bullets

The power to read the mind of a cow that has produced a piece of cheese that has traveled 447,800 miles but only when looking at that piece of cheese

The ability to read the recaptcha images

The power to sleep anytime your tired

the power to nit propely

The power to fart 5 times bigger

An ability to exist without any food but only after you eat some food.

The ability to to turn into a living torch,but only if it's already light

The ability to turn into a tree in the amazon rain forest everytime you burn your pinky finger.

The power to see the future, but as a blind person who can't hear or smell.

The power to kill yourself.

The power to realize when you are wasting your life typing useless shit on the internet

The power to hide your identity from anyone... who doesn't know who you are.

The power to be on facebook and do homework at the same time


The power to fly, but only downwards

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!