he power to make mistakes

The ability for your penis to tie itself into a knot.

The power to make the tip of your penis invisible at will.

The super power to power any electronics at will. But you need 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Apms in your body to power a phone for 0,0000000001 seconds.

Tah Puwir tu wright currectili

The power to eat just 1 Lays potato chip

The SuperPower To Have No SuperPowers

The power of love

The power to be stupid reading this.

The power to shoot iron from your blood

The power to be invisible, when no cameras or people are looking.

The ability to read the recaptcha images

The power to have your entire body totally frictionless. Except for your nipples. They have a drag coefficient of around 5 parachutes.

the superpower to turn into a chicken in a processing plant

The power to believe people will vote for you`re comment, which starts WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY in the back.

the power to sing amazingly but only when someone is 158,00000000000 times louder

The power to make things disappear when I shut my eyes, then bring them back when I open them.

The power to fly but only in your room

The power to masturbate only when someone is watching.

to be one second faster than 5mph in any 80's arcade game using one finger to push the buttons

The power to never be surprised when the toaster goes off.

the power to act exatctly like a pineaplle.

The power to instant nose-bleed, but not be able to stop it.

The power to turn grow a vagina that can whistle on your neck during a full moon.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!