The power to swim as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog

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The power to make a watch that functions as a small phone and is named after a fruit. I would call it Applewatch.

The ability for your penis to tie itself into a knot.

The power to talk to animals but only as they are attacking you

the power of words

The power to get hurt without a break.

The power to fart in public AT WILL..

the power to turn O2 into CO2

The power to shape shift, but only into yourself two inches taller.

the power to have an idea..

Change the outcome of Disney movies 3 years before they come out.

The power to teleport yourself into space without a spacesuit on

The power to have bad breath after you brushed your teeth.

The power to grow your nose hair out to one hundred times its normal length.

The power of 12% levetation

The power to walk on water... but drown in land.

The power to escape reality by entering the magical land of skyrim via your PS3.

the power to tolerate all the crap superpowers

Delayed Reaction Man

The ability to breath underwater but loses the ability to breath normally forever

The power to reed a platypus mind.

The power to accidently find all spoilers online before you watch a film or an episode of a series.

making a sentence of pointless superpowers on

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!