The power to transform money into cow eating chickens

the ability to make your penis more sophistcated than yourself

The power of a power of a power of a power

Hearing so good a raindrop will deafen you

Ability to emit a low-level light, but only when standing near a candle.

The power to make an apple you're holding taste delicious, but only for other people

The power to sing like Justin Beiber.

The power to rite liek dis

The power to have explosive diarrhea after eating Chipotle

the power to shrink 0.1 millimeter or grow 0.1 millimeter

The power to cry whole bananas grown in Brazil.

The ability to shoot guns, but the guns have to have no ammo to shoot.

The power to not remember, the only problem, is that you don't remember having this awesome power.

The ability to laugh one's ass off.

The power to do a hand stand with your feet

The power to shit diamonds, but only into magical underwear that turn diamonds into shit.

The ability to control the universe everytime you lick your own elbow!

The ability to talk to dust mites.

The power to see the future five days after it has happend

The power to take my legs off the floor while in a sitting position.

Be invincible...but only when you're NOT in danger.

the power to make hate films against Islam... theres no space for bigots and jerks on this Earth.

The power to be an exceedingly homosexual man and be constantly surrounded by sexy women.

The ability to shrink the size of your third toe on your right foot every leap year.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!