The power to always find lost objects... right after buying a replacement.

The power to shoot projectiles from your eyes to the inside of your head.

The power to procrastinate so much, you don't even eat, and eventually die.

the power to not finish your

The power to look through glass.

The power of perfect 20/20 hindsight

The power to grow new teeth.

the power to find children extremely attractive

The power to fly but only when your on the ground

The power to rain fireballs down upon those you love.

The power to never end your .

The power to fry and suffer harder than anyone when lit on fire.

The power to shit in your eye

the power to read when you're not looking at any word or symbol

The power to control paprika with your mind

The ability to sling web like Spiderman except you can only shoot webs from your butt hole.

The ability to know if you're the only human alive.

The power to use expired coupons, this Power expired 3 years ago

The power to see forever

the power to become translucent

The power to think about useless power

The power to turn delicious and tasteful food into useless brown mush.

The power of always having small, thin clothes in the winter.

The power of night-blindness.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!