The power to invent things that have already been invented.

The power to have a shield stretch across your vagina, but is only activated when you see a very attractive man.

The power to learn anything very quickly but to forget all knowledge of what you've learnt 3 seconds later.

The power to grow plants, only using your mind

Being able to have diarrhea when every you want.

THE power to get stoned withouten using drugs, but only when your in class.

The ability to see through womens clothes....but only if they weigh over 300 pounds.

The power to become a lime only when you're left nipple brushes against your left shoe whilst it is superglued to your ding dong and you're strapped to a bed naked in the woods.

The power to laugh at other people when they get hurt, and still be able to have high esteem in front of all your friends.

The power to to do everything a normal human can do.

to be able to eat candybars and spit out diabetes

The power to cambiar el idioma de din kommentar at will.

The power to pull any woman that just asked you for a shag.

The power to break a Nokia

The power to smell WiFi Signals

the power to summon a bus, but it will only come at the same time as another bus

The power of bad luck

The power get everyone's attention by jerking off in public

The power to make everything worse

The power to throw discs in Ricochet only when fell out of pad.

The power to always find lost objects... right after buying a replacement.

The ability to produce infinite cat flavored toast made from poop out of your mouth, only while in public with 100 people that would stare at you.

be a massive dickhead, like thomas bull

The power to turn on a hot flash, but only when it's 80 degrees out.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!