The power to read all the other pointless superpowers

The power to circumcise yourself

the power to be able to foresee your death within a millisecond of it happening

The power to fall apart whenever touched. See Derrick Rose, Chicago Bulls

The power to finish right before you start (If you know what I mean)

Immunity to everything, except diseases that cause death.

the power to speak fluent clingon, but only to the non-metally disabled

The power to be able to fall asleep instantly

That F-ucking ass hole that keeps typing morals all the time, he is F`n annoying! Moral: You thought I was a hater eh? Hahaha got you there ;) And if that is not the most pointless pointlessity in the world, then... I give shit about thumbs ups really, they just discovered that I have an bad allergy to dust, and thus I have been unable to work out for TWO YEARS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Me so happy, me love you long time. That is what women usually say to me, instead that they change the happy with horny... and replace you with someone else`s name. Self Irony... such a delight... and maybe I am lying... who knows... who wants to know? Nobody? :( sob... excellent! :D Damn CATCHPHRA! I SWEAR I USED TO HAVE A KITTEN THAT WAS TWICE THE SIZE OF TEXAS!

The ability to make children cry whenever they see you.

The power to explode the entire world every time you became happy.

the power to wake up 2 seconds before your alarm.

The power to think up the best lines but forget them when you try to speak

The power to explode when someone looks at you and regenerate in 10 minute after exploding but you can only regenerate from exploding.

the power to like Liam Brudenell, That is pointless

The power to transform into a paralysed turtle with half its shell missing

The ability to telekinetically form crop circles in your own pubic hair.

the power to make faces at the blind

The power to let everyone around you make a troll face but you are the only one who is able too see it.

The ability to DO A BARREL ROLL

The power to stop your self from moving for all eternity

The power to hold the floor down using gravity.

The power to grow your fingernails at 1.5% times the average speed, provided you contribute three hours a day to meditation.

the power to get a random fruit every 10 days...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!