The power to be invincible......... only when you are not in danger or harm.

Superhuman strength at the expense of being completely paralyzed

The power to shit on the ceiling

to be shitty

The power to die and come back to life every 10 minutes.

The power to have ABSOLUTELY anything you want!... ...As long as that absolutely anything you want happens to be a pile of premium fresh horsecrap... Moral: This made myself lol, so it probably has 16 red thumbs by now YAY!!!!!!!!

The power to sing in Portuguese, but only when you're being arrested.

The ability to steal, without getting caught, other people's pocket lint.

you can get lots of pussy, but their all severed

the power to fly, but only at the speed of light you, for less than 1 second, but you must land at the exact same spot you started and your mind cannot comprehend anything any differently than a normal human

The power to jump .000000000000000000000000001% higher.

The power to perform stan up comedy whilst sitting down

The power to have incredible wet orgasms. if you are a man.

The power to view pointless superpowers on a screen.

The power to smell feces from a mile away.

the power to hear everything in sign language and see everything in braille

the power to tolerate alex simpson

The power to glow while under the sun

The power to wake up every morning and have to pee

The power to turn wine into water

The power to grow more genitals.

The power to poop fast enough to splash your own bum.

the power to randomly die at any moment

The power to come up with the most funny joke ever made but forget the punch-line when ever you try to tell someone.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!